Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What I was talking about before was Malarkey on Saint Pat's Day.  He got ahead of me so I could not meet up with him on st. pats. day  but as it turns out, he bailed out at Franklin and he showed up here at NOC yesterday and it was like a big reunion.  Anyway,  going back to trail news, it's interesting because what happens is people get ahead or they fall back and in between everybody picks up bits and pieces of trail news.  Another bit of trail news that's interesting is something that they call pink (?) placing. I had noticed alittle spark between Sam and Rasberry probably about three or four days ago.  They very quickly hooked up and are now an item on the trial and everybody's kind of talking about it.  So it's kind of funny to see how these younger kids hook up along the way.  It's my understanding that actually Raspberry was going to bail out on the trial but since he found love on the trail, seems like he's going to continue on for a while anyway. That's about it for now.  Dictation made on 3/22/2011 7:56 AM EST.

1 comment:

  1. It is called "Pink Blazing". Most common during the hiker mating season. It comes to its peak around Trail Days.
