Thursday, March 31, 2011

Is This Really Backpacking?

Ok, so I suspect many of you might be wondering whether I am really truly "roughing it" considering all my discussions of staying at hiker hostels, etc.

It's a question I've been thinking about as well. My traditional way of backpacking is to pack for a 7-8 day backpacking trip where access to the real world is very limited. You need to prepare and pack food for that type of timeframe. It seems like on the A/T you can count on dropping in for an overnight (believe me, know one that I know would normally stay at these places!) and get resupplied with food and fuel. Is this approach really backpacking?

I think not; it's more of an endurance test than anything else. I DO believe that it is much, much harder than taking a week long backpacking trip - and it's already the hardest think I will ever do; backpacking is tough, but it perhaps more joy in it - especially in the Rockies.

What do you guys think? Are you surprised at how many nights I have access to a bed?


  1. Yup, Next stop: Uncle Johnny's! Bit of a rat hole but, has a nice little store for gear and a shuttle. You can also play chess or low stakes Tunk with Johnny and his chronies on the nice poarch. Also, close Some nice hiking on the way there though. I got in to Irwin on the 5th day in the rain. I was ready for a nero. Good spot for that or just a resupply. There is a shelter fairly close on either end. If you stay at No Business Knob shelter get water when you see it about 2mi. before the shelter. No good source at the shelter. Highlights on the way to Erwin include The Back Stack Cliffs, an awesome ridre walk. Also, Big Bald is nice. I saw lots of deer on the way up. After Erwin I kicked it into gear and did not stay off trail as much. Six days straight into Damascus. Erwin-Hwy19 o/s Roan Mtn. TN. is my favorite stretch in the South. If you can make it happen plan to stay at the Over Mtn. shelter. Nice sunrise. The B&B on 19 is supposed to be nice though. Stop at Kinkora for lunch or something but I would move on. It is notoriouly dirty and is rumored to have bed-bugs. Also, the resupply noted at this road crossing was closed last year. Put me in a bit of a bind. Pond Mtn. it a brutal climb. Take water. Nice camping by the lake at the bottom. Have fun!

  2. Oh yeah, The Jones Falls right before Mountaineer Shelter are really cool as are the ones right after Kinkora. Check them out. Also, Poison Ivy was thick and unavoidabe all the way from Pond mtn. most of the way to Damascus. Sounds like this may be a concern. You will be lean in mean by the time you get to Damascus!

  3. Don,

    I have no problem with your nightly stays. As you said it is a test of endurance. Keep up the great post and I look forward to seeing your photo updates.

  4. Don
    I have enjoyed following your blog. You have inspired me to backpack the Northern Kettles as a test to see how my back and knee hold up. I am back to keeping an extensive journal and have pasted a few of your entries. I am guessing you have heard Roberta's mother died and the funeral is in Missouri on Monday. I am grateful she introduced us at breakfast.
    Best to you in your great adventure. I am trying to figure out my next one.
    Tom Ellis

  5. Don - love the blog. You definitely are not a wimp for staying in the hostels when you can. Lord knows you need a shower by this point in the journey!
    One foot in front of the other...
    Doug H.

  6. The longer you are on the trail the less guilt you feel for taking advantage of a town stay. In fact you won't feel any!

  7. Hey guys...thanks for your thoughts and observations...Bird...your play by play has been very helpful! Uncle Johnny's is as you described...we did get a shuttle to a Mexican Rest. last night - about 18 crammed into a beat up old van - like being in a third world country!

  8. Stephen GilbertsonApril 6, 2011 at 11:07 PM

    Hey Don,

    I happened upon the fact that you were on this trip via Ceva's-Bill Brody's Facebook. I suppose you have heard that Chris A. won the County Exec race. I'm sure that's the last of your concerns at the moment. I grew up hiking on the AT in the TN smokies, Clingman's, etc. as a Boy Scout and during college. Beautiful, lush, fragrant country this time of year. Sam and I just missed stepping on a rattle snake last time hiking down there. I admire your taking on this adventure. Great blog, keep up the great work! Stay safe and healthy. Steve G.

  9. Steve,
    Hey, thanks for tracking my blog...and as I read your email it occurred to me that you probably did not get the invite for our little send off party! Darn it...of all people you and Ceva should have been there given your roots! Sounds like you know the area well - Clingman's was all fogged in for me - and brutally cold, but Rocky Top was the best ever. I yelled out to whom ever would hear me, "we must be in heaven, man". It was beautiful.

    Hop on with me Steve!
