Monday, May 23, 2011

Let's Have Faith in the Younger Generation Afterall!

Okay, this will rub some people the wrong way, but prior to coming on the trail I had become just a tad disappointed in the younger generation's "entitlement mentality".  This began to challenge me in my work and I found it to be a frustrating experience.  I didn't know whether it was fact or fiction (my age might have something to do with it).

Regardless, I have a renewed faith in the youth coming our way due to my wonderful experiences with these fine young people on the trail.  Most of these kids are college age or older and are broad and open minded, bright, sensitive and highly articulate.  Yes, some have lots of piercings and tattoos but I can not get past that now these days knowing that there's a really interesting conversation to gain.

I have also seen these kids mature along the way as well.  They come from all walks of life and each one of them bring something unique and wonderful to this world and it's neat to be part of their experience and watch them develop.

Sorry for the philosophizing....but these kids are great!

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