Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Haunted House and Witches Graves

This last stretch through central VA has been great because of the ease of the trail, the variety of the terrain, the vegetation and the interesting sights.  It seems like Spring and Summer are in motion big time - finally!

We have also come across some man made things that I would like to do some research on at some point.  One is an old, very well built, two story house built deep into the woods.  By my estimation this house was built in the early 1900s.  There is no explanation for it and remains in pretty decent condition given the quality of the wood and craftsmanship.  The stairs remain sturdy enough to walk up to the second floor, even though part of the second floor is caved in.  I would venture to say that this was a two or three bedroom home.  Today, it is a haunting seen to come across deep in the woods.

Just after this house, up on a ridge called Bruisers Knob is a series of very large rock piles. Now normally you would say that this was due to early settlers clearly the land for farming.  that might be the case but I don't think so because of the untold number of these piles and how some of them are neatly stacked - and in a series of rows.  Bird calls the a witches cemetary...others have said they think it might be an old Indian burial site...I want to to a bit more research to see if there is an answer...but strange walking for at least a mile through this area of large stacks of rocks!

1 comment:

  1. The "Witches Grave" thing was my buddy Roam's brilliant idea. I wonder if they are little furnaces? Seemed like a lot of red rock on the way down. Iron? You will see land clearing in the form of miles of rock walls esp. NJ-MA.
