Saturday, May 21, 2011

Iowa Here I Come! Oh, I Thought I was Going to Maine!

Got into Harper's Ferry Thursday night - in time to register with the ATC at #127 (for those of you that notice this stuff, my number is lower than Fire Fly's - she came in at 128:))

Anyway - that's 1,015 miles behind me and I am off to Grinnell, Iowa to pick up my son, Ben, from school.  It was great getting home last night...Carolyn allowed a hug and a kiss but really freaked out at my appearance.  She thinks I could go for a homeless person and said everyone was staring at me at Beans & Barley (where we went out to dinner).  Was able to enter the house after taking all my clothes off and was allowed to take a long hot shower.  Our good friends, Nomad (Bill) and Dancing Queen (Victoria) even stopped by to say hello.

So, off to Grinnell this morning...need to do lots of updating...and hope to do so before I head back to the trail on Wednesday morning.

Last note:  after walking 1,000 miles and staying in 70 different spots where I could lose my iPhone, I lost it somewhere between the ATC and Dulles Airport!


  1. Congrats! Harper's Ferry in two months! The cool thing is you will probably be hiking with familiar faces when you get back on. Went to trail days. Could not believe how many people I knew there from last year. Nevell and Gypsey Girl were there. Hiked the Highlands and back to Damascuss with some friends from last year. Felt really good. We seemed to remember every step of the way vividly. Don't miss Trail Days next year. The year after the hike is the time to go. I may go again next year since we have some family friends retiring near by in Mountain City, TN.

  2. Bird -Thanks for the update re:rail Days. It souunds like a blast. There were several on the trail who I know that were headed down there. Great to hear that Gypsy Girl is still on the trail. Looked up your picture at Harper's Ferry btw...hope to see you Monday night.
