Monday, June 13, 2011

Vultures Circle in For Thanksgiving Meal

We've seen our fairshare of turkey vultures along the way but it didn't dawn on his that we might be their next bag of bones to pick at until we crossed Lehigh River and edged up to the base of Lehigh Gap. As we looked up toward the massive boulder field (a mountain top ravaged by mining and now a major Superfund site) we spotted a few vultures circling overhead. As we heaved our way over car-sized boulders while trying to keep our footing we realized those buzzards were circling in hopes of yet another thru-hiker making a fatal wrong step and becoming a tasty meal.

This must be a common occurrence because when Fire Fly and I reached the top there was a huge dead tree with turkey vultures peering down on us from every limb. We felt like we were in a Clint Eastwood western. We were happy to get off the rocks alive and hike on through the poisonness wilderness of the stark and barren zinc oxide Superfund site...better to die of cancer from than get picked over by a vulture!

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