Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Off the Trail for a Board Meeting?!

Yes, it's true, I am headed off the trail to get into a suit and tie and make my way to Detroit for a mutual fund board meeting. It's the Annual Meeting as well so I need to be there for it.

I told them that I was not going to shave or get my haircut...so we'll see if they take me for a crazy shareholder and don't let me in.

It's been a real challenge to arrange my trip to Detroit. Dropping off the trail in a little tiny town, Aitkins, VA. Hitch hiked to a hotel (got a ride in the back of a pickup truck). Have some guy (hope he is dependable) giving me a 1-1/2 hour ride back into TN (wasn't I just there?) to a small airport to catch a flight through Atlanta in time for a dinner Wednesday night.

If things go right, will reverse the order and be back into my stinky clothes and gear by mid-day on Friday headed toward Pearisburg, VA. This is somewhat of a mental challenge and sure to be a shock on the system!

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