Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hiker's Dilemma...

So here's a good one...after two days of very difficult weather we decide to get off the trail to regroup at the next crossroad and hitch hike to Jerry's Kitchen - a hole-in-the-wall place in Troutdale, VA.  We stick our thumbs out only to get picked up by a very nice lady by the name of Jennifer Rogers, who is just getting off work from a hospital 22 miles away.  She is a RN and her husband is a doc.  As she begins to drive us up the steep road to Jerry's she offers up her two bedroom cottage, fully furnished - with a hot shower - to us for free - and she will take us back to the trail the next morning.  The only problem is that we would have to fix trail food.

Wonderful hospitality, comfortable bed, hot shower vs. one of the best bacon cheese burgers in the county?  What's a thru-hiker to do?  No brainer...we graciously decline the hospitality so we can stuff ourselves at Jerry's.  The topper was that Jerry had just pulled a peach cobbler out of the oven.  One great salad, a 1/2lber, fries and 2 peach cobblers with ice cream later the decision was clear...but, boy it was hard to turn down a free cottage for the night!

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