I am a Bear Mountain, New York at mile marker 1,394 with about 786 miles to go. The stretch from Delaware Water Gap, PA to here was about 110 miles traversed over a period of six days (average of 18 miles a day).
This little stretch was a welcome relief from the rocks of PA. It's true, NJ had it's own rocks but they were the "rounder, gentler" kind. I mentioned this observation to Pajamas and Sherpa and they told me that there was a good reason for this. They said that the glaciers ended right at the Delaware River (at Delaware Water Gap) and in the process "smoothed over the rocks" in NJ while the frozen tundra of PA "fractured" the PA rocks and made them sharp and pointy. I thought this was a pretty interesting tidbit.
Each state seems to be different as soon as you cross the border. NJ had smoother rocks but the mosquitos got real bad - guess it's because of the "swamps". As soon as we crossed into New York the terrain changed as well. While challenging due to lots of ups and downs, it comes with some very interesting "technical hiking" up the rocks and you are nicely rewarded with some terrific views. Yesterday we climbed up to Western Mountain and had a great view of the NYC skyline 30 miles away and the Hudson river down below (with West Point along the banks).
I know that I was down during my stint in PA but the terrain, the beauty and the weather seems to be looking up and I look forward to making my way toward New England. I have lots of New York to do yet but I think I am beginning to feel like we are close to our ultimate hike through the mountains of New England.
I did a few calculations this morning and determined that I am about 101 days into my journey, averaging just under 14 miles a day when you include zeros. Excluding zeros, it's closer to 16 miles a day. Average mileage of late is closer to 18 but I am finding that I have to do more zeros. With about 800 miles to go, averaging 14 miles a day (with zeros) I expect to be making my way to Kahtahdin between the 2nd and 3rd week of August - or about 55-60 days from now.
One step at a time....thanks everyone for your great support!
Don, WOW you are making such incredible time! I have enjoyed your logs and check every week for your entries. Scott, the kids and I will be in Rangeley, ME 7/1-7/7 hiking Saddleback, Sugarloaf and the Bigelows. We know how hikers love trail magic so we will be leaving a bit of magic in stream crossings in the area. Don't know if there will be any left when you arrive but keep your eyes open! Good luck and congratulations on your progress! Tena and Scott
ReplyDeleteTena and Scott,
ReplyDeleteThanks for checking in! Sounds like you have a great trip coming up...and thanks for the trail magic...won't be there then but suspect Rambler, V8, Hermes and Tree Frog will be passing through at about that time...started with them early on but they have been cruising! Have fun!
I continue to be amazed at what you accomplished Tena, oh so long ago when the trail and technology was much different!