Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Soggy But Still Hanging in There

Hope to have time to update everyone on the stories of the last couple of weeks...but have been a tad busy putting on the miles.  Have had some long days the past week or so due to the lousy weather and the terrain.  Longest day was a marathon - exactly 26.2 miles!  Doesn't come close to matching Bird's 35.9 miles - but if you handicap for age, that's pretty good.  Most days of late have been between 18 and 22 miles a day.  I couldn't imagine doing that kind of mileage but it seems to happen magically at the tail end of Virgina.

The weather has been flat out lousy...fog, cloudy, thunderstorms and a ton of rain.  We are all soaked to the bone and are wondering weather there is a sun in this part of the country!  I guess that our luck related to weather early on in the trip is flipping around...nothing like puting on wet clothes and boots in the morning.  At least I've been able to keep my sleeping bag dry.

Again, more to follow...but am running out of's past hiker's midnight!


  1. What an incredible journey! I've been following on my Blackberry but haven't figured out how to post from there. Thanks so much for all the narrative; it's just like the old "you were there" books I read as a child.

    Enjoy the weekend; you've certainly earned a break... and a chance to dry off!


  2. Thanks home for a few days...hope we can catch up!
