Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hiker Weight Loss Program - Don't Try This at Home

What do you get when hike 15 miles a day and eat instant oatmeal, instant mash potatoes with tuna and trail mix for five days, blending in a one day gorging session on cheese burgers, pizza, biscuits & gravy, etc.? A quick way to lose 10 pounds! I started my hike at 183 (right out of the shower) and now weigh 174 with clothes on.

So, if you are interested in losing a few pounds...would love the company!

On my way into the hills after a day of avoiding some pretty bad weather. On to Hampton, TN!



  1. Hi Don, sure love the read! Well you have 335 miles in and I have not even moved across the street... Not sure of a date yet but I think we have narrowed down the month. Tortoise and the hare...who is playing what part? God speed.

  2. Don, no promises< but as I monitor your progress I may need to meet you for a day hike or overnite when you reach MA. Hip surgery has slowed me down a bit so 15 miles a bit much but i promise not to meet you just for a 'zero'...Keep on truck'in...
