It's going to be a big day for me because I am heading out around 10:00 this morning to cover a 3,000 elevation gain over an eight mile period. So this will be by far and away the toughest climb of the trip, but that follows a very relaxing zero day at the Nantahala Outdoor Center at Mile 135 which I took to relax my legs and get re supplied with food and fuel. Just a few more thoughts about the Siler Bald Shelter from a few days ago. That shelter was like a quintessential southern shack that you would see in the woods and as I came across it (about a half a mile off the main trail), I was wondering what I was in for because it just looked like a beat up old shack in a little valley in a prairie field. I was thinking why did I hike a half a mile in for this shelter. As it turns out though it was a real nice evening because, as I mentioned before, I met up with Charlie Brown and the father daugher hikers there as well as the guy with the bike. We could see him coming down the trail from a distance, pushing a bicycle and trying to figure out what this was all about. Well as he came up he said that he's planning on taking the trail all the way to Maine on his bicycle. Of course all he's been able to do thus far is push the darn thing with his sleeping back strapped to the back of it.
On the way to my next stop, Cold Springs Shelter, I encoundered my first bald, which is what they call certain mountain peaks in north carolina which are just kind of prairie on top - no trees.
Dictation made on 3/22/2011 7:03 AM EST.
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